Elephant Drain
No – don’t look at the Cafe Rouge – but look above a little elephant on top of the drain cover.
The elephant was the family crest of a York dean. He had his own entrance through the street. Look at Cafe Rouge doorway in High Petergate and you can see where the arch has been blocked up
52 Low Petergate, York.
![image.png](file-guid:ddc2b74b-b2dc-4a5e-a282-423f8d475141 "image.png")
![image.png](file-guid:0f9e3a6d-2305-40c3-8cda-ddc54ca4e9b4 "image.png")
![image.png](file-guid:cbfabdfb-ef83-40bf-aa70-92f056b9caf9 "image.png")