Web 3.0
The Web 3.0 will be the proper uncontrollable internet.
Today more and more websites and social media outlets are becoming sources of de-platforming, media control and data mining for advertising purposes.
De-platforming is when websites are removed from services for using their free speech. The de-platforming can range from technical to monetary suppression and defunding.
Media control can be both government controls and industry controlled interests maybe controlled again behind the scenes by government or other major organisations. In the UK some events are not reported on deliberately and some are suppressed with a D-notice order.
Data mining is performed on personal data to produce an advertising product based on knowledge about you, that pays for your services. Therefore this service becomes indirectly controlled by the businesses that pay for the advertisements and your data.
So now I have created this holding page for links to new web 3.0 services that may break this cycle.
Once broken the Web 3.0 will be a myriad of autonomous sources and services impossible to control but still with ease of use.
To break this cycle, you have to break the control of the full technology and monetary stack either individually or as a organisation.
However as soon as a service is centralised it is at risk at being blocked easily.
So making a start below. Watch this space as I will find more.
# Application Stack
Note: many applications overlap categories.
1. Private Messaging: sharing media on a timeline to point-to-point or limited group
2. Public Messaging: sharing media on a timeline to the public
3. Social Network: sharing media on a timeline to a controlled group
4. Private Streaming: sharing live media point
5. Public Streaming: sharing media permanently available to the public
6. Private Payments: single payments point-to-point
7. Public Payments: regular payments from public to organisation
# Technology Stack
1. Hardware: Servers and network equipment holding and transferring your data
2. Network Services: Network providers like ISP’s and backbone providers
3. Domain Services: The domain name and service holding it pointing to your data
4. Server Software: Software for serving webpages and other data feeds
5. Client Software: Browsers and other clients as containers for applications
6. Application Stack: The combination of the above technology stack
# Monetary Stack
1. Payment Systems: Transfer and clearing of value
2. Currencies: A piece of value that can be exchanged
3. Banks and wallets: Containers or holders of value
4. Credit: Access to funding
# Application Stack Examples
## Private Messaging
Alternatives to WhatsApp; Messenger
- [Telegram](https://telegram.org/)
- [Signal](https://signal.org/en/)
## Public Messaging
Alternatives to Twitter
- [Parler](https://parler.com/auth/access)
- [Gab](https://gab.com/)
## Social Network
Alternatives to Facebook
- [Humhub](https://www.humhub.com/en)
## Private Streaming
Alternatives to Skype; Zoom
Most private messaging apps above can provide this
- [Jitsi](https://jitsi.org/)
## Public Streaming
Alternatives to YouTube
- [Bitchute](https://www.bitchute.com/)
- [Odysee](https://odysee.com/)
- [Rumble](https://rumble.com/)
- [Dlive](https://dlive.tv/)
## Direct Payments
Alternatives to Paypal
- None so far
## Public Payments
Alternatives to Patreon
- [Subscribestar](https://www.subscribestar.com/)
# Technology Stack Examples
## Hardware:
- None so far; PC is closest to open hardware
## Network Services:
- [https://www.libremesh.org/](https://www.libremesh.org/)\: Open source mesh networking which can make ISP’s redundant
## Domain Services:
- [https://www.domainsbyproxy.com/](https://www.domainsbyproxy.com/)\: Privacy focused registrar for DNA names
- [https://www.opennic.org/](https://www.opennic.org/)\: Alternative DNS root holding DNS names
- [https://www.epik.com/](https://www.epik.com/)\: Free speech friendly provider used by gab.ai
## Server Software:
- [https://wordpress.org/](https://wordpress.org/)\: The open source website and content management system
- [https://joinmastodon.org/](https://joinmastodon.org/)\: Decentralised locally controlled twitter like network
- [http://www.haproxy.org/](http://www.haproxy.org/)\: Open source load balancing and DDoS protection
- [https://www.humhub.com/en](https://www.humhub.com/en)\: Humhub: a social network, which can both be public or private
## Client Software:
- [https://brave.com/](https://brave.com/)\: Protected browser
- [https://beakerbrowser.com/](https://beakerbrowser.com/)\: Browser that can act as a decentralised web service
- [https://freenetproject.org](https://freenetproject.org)\: Browser that can act as a decentralised web service
- [https://zeronet.io/](https://zeronet.io/)\: Browser that can act as a decentralised web service – bitcoin based encryption and payments
## Cloud Services:
- [https://gab.ai/](https://gab.ai/)\: Uncensored but centralised twitter like network
- [https://mightynetworks.com/](https://mightynetworks.com/)\: Centralised social network with monetarisation
- [https://www.bitchute.com](https://www.bitchute.com)\: YouTube like service with free speech
- [https://duckduckgo.com/](https://duckduckgo.com/)\: Alternative search page
- [https://www.startpage.com/](https://www.startpage.com/)\: Alternative search page
# Monetary Stack Examples
## Payment Systems:
- [https://bitcoin.org/en/](https://bitcoin.org/en/)\: A decentralised currency not controlled by any central bank or payment system
- [https://www.secondamendmentprocessing.com/](https://www.secondamendmentprocessing.com/)\: A free-speech friendly payment processor currently being used by gab.ai
## Currencies:
- [https://bitcoin.org/en/](https://bitcoin.org/en/)\: A decentralised currency not controlled by any central bank or payment system
- [https://ethereum.org/](https://ethereum.org/)\: A decentralised vehicle for blockchain development
## Banks and Wallets:
- [https://electrum.org](https://electrum.org)\: A bitcoin wallet
# Other References
- [https://www.eff.org/](https://www.eff.org/)\: Electronic Frontier Foundation
- [https://www.electronicbeats.net/a-beginners-guide-to-the-decentralized-internet/](https://www.electronicbeats.net/a-beginners-guide-to-the-decentralized-internet/)\: A Beginner’s Guide To The Decentralized Internet