De Små Haver
De Små Haver is a group of very old restaurants from the mid-1800s and is made up by 3 individual restaurants:
- [M.G. Petersens Familiehave](
- [Hansens Gamle Familiehave](
- [Krøgers Familiehave](
The premises are mixed inside and outside but the main attraction is to sit outside on a good summerday.
They service traditional Danish lunch and dinner.
Some days there are live bands playing old fashion Danish music.
![](file-guid:7a9c13b5-e5f4-4cd2-b295-263d39385009 "image.png")
![](file-guid:a59654f1-e266-4382-a6cb-36de70168fde "image.png")
Video showing how it looks: